Guild House Farm

Greener Partners’ Guild House Farm is located at Guild House West, an apartment building for low-income seniors at 1221 Fairmount Avenue in North Philadelphia. The half acre site includes a production garden, high tunnel, orchard, and community garden for residents to grow food for themselves. Participants in our programs learn first hand where their food comes from, how it’s grown, and how they can take an active role in the local food system. The vast majority of food grown at Guild House Farm is donated to the residents of Guild House West. The remainder is used in educational programs at schools throughout Philadelphia, donated to community food pantries, sold at area Farmers’ Markets, or sold to restaurants and grocery stores.

We are proud that Greener Partners was a part of the Get HYPE Philly Collective, funded by GlaxoSmithKline.  Many Guild House programs were funded through this initiative.  For more information, visit Get HYPE Philly.

Key Partners

  • The Food Trust
  • Friends Rehabilitation Program
  • Free Library
  • Norris Square Neighborhood Project
  • Village of Arts & Humanities
  • PHS: City Harvest Program
  • Philadelphia Orchard Project
  • Repair the World
  • Broad Street Ministries
  • Philabundance
  • Coalition Against Hunger
  • Primex Garden Center
  • Common Market
  • El Compadre Restaurant
  • John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
  • Urban Creators
  • Urban Tree Connection
  • Greensgrow Farms
  • Girard College

Impact 2017

  • Pounds of produce harvested and donated: 5135 lbs
  • Hours of youth programming: 385
  • Seniors participating in programming: 64
  • Number of unique visitors to the farm: 352
  • Number of farm tours: 20
  • Teen leadership youth presented off-farm programs at: Girard College, Get HYPE Youth Summit, Kensington Free Library, Cecil B. Moore Free Library, Lillian Marrero Free Library, Village of Arts and Humanities, Norris Square Neighborhood Project